Venture Capital Development Group believes in the growth potential of Small Businesses, in both evolving markets and tried-and-true industries. Growth of these are assured with proper access to funding, leadership, and audience.
VCDG assures a 70%+ success rate with rigorous vetting, robust documentation, and stellar management teams who can quickly adjust to any market or service/product changes.
Aiming to increase five-year survivability of Small Businesses by 40%, and ten-year survivability by over 130% by tackling typical failure points including poor management, market issues, and cash flow.
Investors will include high-net-worth individuals, trusts, institutions, family offices & other private-equity sources. VCDG will target investments, & provide all due diligence, with strict underwriting guidelines.
VCDG is engaging highly-educated, knowledgeable, & experienced industry professionals to advise on our formative process.
Owner, SmartCharge Systems, Inc.
Entrepreneur, Team Catalyst
CEO, Global Board Services & Investments
Fitrepreneur, Investor, & Advisor
Principal, Cheris Law
Analyst & Author, The Smart Money Guide
Principal, Sprout CDE
Management Consultant, Entrepreneur
Serial Entrepreneur & CEO,
President, Oceanographic, & Renewable Energy Consulting
We aim to capitalize on incentive programs such as those in emerging technologies, green initiatives, disadvantaged, veteran, and female business owners, and explore the benefits to establishing SBs in economically challenged areas that qualify for special consideration in terms of access to financing.
We aim to capitalize on incentive programs such as those in emerging technologies, green initiatives, disadvantaged, veteran, and female business owners, and explore the benefits to establishing SBs in economically challenged areas that qualify for special consideration in terms of access to financing.
We aim to capitalize on incentive programs such as those in emerging technologies, green initiatives, disadvantaged, veteran, and female business owners, and explore the benefits to establishing SBs in economically challenged areas that qualify for special consideration in terms of access to financing.
Discover what We can do Together.
Venture Capital Development Group, Ltd.
A Venture Capital Fund devoted to promoting entrepreneurship and economic development through innovative investment opportunities.
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This site is intended for use by accredited investors only as defined under Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933, please verify your status before proceeding.. Investments in the fund are subject to risks, including loss of principal, and are not guaranteed. Prospective investors should consult with their financial advisor.